Wednesday, 2 May 2012

The Attitude of Love

It is a fact of life that whenever we want to do something,it is always important to set our eyes on it and develop the right attitude towards it.For success it is necessary to be focussed and have positive attitude Humility is always the greatest attitude of Love

When Do we talk about ‘True Love’

"A Moment of Love"
Having gone a lot of soul-searching and meditation culminating into The Romantic Submission Moment,you face and break into the Romantic Bliss and shortly present your heart,your feelings,your desires and aspirations and whole-being to the whims of your new found love.You totally surrender to the burning desires of loving and being loved.
Depending on the intimacy of both of you and the romantic skills that accompanies it,you become free and willing to give and let go the feelings for consummation.At this time and moment of great seduction you realize that the Whispers of Love will be louder than the Echoes of Hatred.Only then can you identify infatuation and differentiate it from sexual desires and chauvinism,and say the least being a sex object.You begin to wonder whether it was "True Love" or not 

"What message  could this flowers be sending?"
If you have gone through a number of romantic posts in this site,then  it is assumed that you have enough prerequisite information to make analysis of what True Love is assumed to be is or could be.From the Social Interaction point of view the query When Do We Talk about True Love? has been an age old question that has baffled many,young and old the colour and non coloured,men and women,the high and mighty the world over and continues.
I wish to echo what Honore de Balzac once quoted that 
"True Love is eternal,infinite,and always like itself.It is equal and pure,without violent demonstrations:it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart."
My conjecture on this is that 
True Love is spiritual and is indeed eternal for it never dies but may only be interrupted by the demise of the other partner and will always reincarnate in the heart of the surviving partner.This phenomenon once initiated in the hearts of the partners does not have a traceable feelings or or a foreseeable or predictable passion.The characteristics of love is only comparable to True Love.True love sees the other partner as the better half and shares in the wishes and aspirations of the future,submits to the desires and passions of the heart and therefore is equal to the measure of anticipated love.True Love does not poke into the life of the partner,it does not find fault and does not aim to change but appreciates the other partner is she/he is and therefore remain pure and true to its meaning.True Love is a champion of romance and is always guided by a set of logics, wisdom and the Voice of Reason.True Love is composed and never panic, is comfortable and not disturbed by the noisy confusions in life and is not worried about its position in the Universe but  is guided by words of wisdom and therefore is without violent demonstration.Due to this you can only see and appreciate this and see it with white hairs and and feel the youngness in the heart 
While I understand the biological differences that necessitate  that each individual is entitled to his or her own mode of thinking,understanding and perception depending on their level of social maturity and perception of their unique social class of stratification,I may say and need to point out here that 
"True love" is an undertaking that is dimensional and wears many Faces of  Love which defies all the odds and even.It is a love with deep foundation on The Pillars of Love"
We talk about TRUE LOVE when there is a deep conviction of the wishes and aspirations with a deep personal commitment to feelings and desires of the heart there is a total surrender and submission of true feelings and desires culminating to change of attitude and behaviour orientation towards the loving partner .Read the article The Unconditional Love 
True Love is a love that is sensitive and is a compliment to the many short text and lovely messages sent at an interlude of time and out of expectation and wise sayings directed towards the partner and the loving words whispered literally and meaningfully through the soft Whispers of Love which are usually louder than resonating Echoes of Hatred and resentment emanating from the losing competitor (s) while it is aware of the Echoes of Hatred that could be associated or accompanied by parallel competitorsTrue Love is therefore a romantic feeling and desire of belonging and a romantic phenomenon deeply rooted in and is  based on the fountain and foundation for A Great Relationship and presumably eternal future undertakings.It is a love that is conscious of the competing hearts and the pressures of the Romantic Quagmires through the Love Triangle and appreciates the many Faces of LoveFrom the social interaction point of view True Love is a love based on The Romantic Submission Moment and reflected from The Social SubmissionMoment

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

The Choices Of Life

Those long old days we were still young and untapped,we had dreams,had our wishes and desires,we had aspirations,and we were full of imaginations as to the kind of things we wanted to do with ourselves.The kind of jobs we wanted to profess and the kind of lifestyle we thought was desirable to us.
Sometimes it is necessary and it is the right thing to do to make life's choices.This we have to get right are we are messed up for good.Choices are made with jobs,places to reside,partners to live with and the kind of lifestyle to lead.

The Concept of Love

"Taking Love from the Cup of Love"
Would you like to join the great debate on what love is? Of course I suspect.Perhaps this is the golden chance and opportune moment of joining the like-minded 3-D thinkers in re-shaping some of the age-old fallacies, conepts and notions often so much misused that their speculative use has been quite commonly  taken as the gospel meaning of the concept even if they are wrong.One of this is the The Concept of Love Whereas this could have been partially or wholly true,I feel for the sake of this understanding,the explanation of the word love should begin with the highlighting of the concept of love.This is done here by first giving the literary exposition of the words “Concept” and “Love”
The Concept of Love
I begin my exposition of the Concept of Love by providing the definition of the word  "Concept" as used in this article
From the theory of study of words the word concept usually refers to a general notion about something: or an abstract idea about something made reference of. As an abstraction of a phenomenon. Event or object.We paint a general idea about what is made reference of.Conception is usually a noun referring to either conceiving of or being a conceived idea or understanding of something.Conceptual is a descriptive word referring to the mental concept of something .in itself more of abstraction of what is made reference of.Conceptually is an adverb referring to a conceptual way of perception of a thing, an event or an object or subject.With all the naivety and intellectualism associated with the passions and desires of the heart,the word that has always been very difficult to define or explain or precisely say what it is has been the word Love.Through speculation and social ventures many had always taken this literally to mean sexual tendencies exhibited and shown by one partner towards the other with an intention of sexual consumption.
Having looked at the meaning of the word "concept" may I now shift the attention to the word love:
From a layman’s point of view the word Love refers to some and of course deep affection or fondness exercised by one partner towards the other with similar desires and feelings,intimately these are sexual passions that emanate from the desires and wishes of the prospective lover. 
To the beginners in the game of love,where their understanding of love is equated with infatuation and sexual urge, and they take love to mean sexual relations between two members of the opposite sex romantically attracted to each other and shares in the give and take phenomenon and exchange of love sentiments.
From the social interaction point of view the word love is taken to mean the effect resulting from the romantic submission moment which result after a social front has been crossed leading to the breakdown moment.Here,the two love birds having flown high and nigh towards the direction of each other and having crossed the social front have perched onto the heart of the partners.
Consequently to fall in love here means to begin to love which thinly means to begin to recognize the feelings and desires, appreciate the efforts taken to show or have the feelings shown and to initiate the exercise of love. Simply put the love affair begins.Take note that love affair here refers to a romantic or sexual relationship between two people, between love-birds that has been planted,nurtured and tendered like a love-in-a-mist (blue-flowered cultivated plant) the result of which if not tendered creates the feeling of being lovesick,which means languishing with love.
From a literary discourse it is understood that the word love is associated with such words like beloved one,sweetheart and is colloquially used as a form of address regardless of affection of the person of whom one is fond of.Are words usually used as forms of  affectionate greetings,particularly intended to make the lover feel love for,or have delight in, sometimes used to admire or have admiration for, to like very much.
I am not here,trying to make a retinue of romantic words but just to have a slight exposition of important words used in Love and romance.The other words are lovelorn pining from unrequited love. To make love has always been taken to mean to have a sexual intercourse (with) pay amorous attention Loveable means can be loved.Loveless means unloving or unloved or both ‘lovely colloquial pleasing, delightful,beautiful.
A Lover is a person in love with another or is having mutual sexual relations with another; unmarried couple in love or having sexual relations, person who enjoys specified thing Loving feeling or showing love,affectionate Loving cup is a two-handled drinking cup passed round at banquets.
Having looked at the words concept and love separately, we need now to combine the two and get a holistic definition of the Concept of Love.
From the Social Interaction point of view,The Concept of Love  means the general notion of Love as perceived in the mind of the lover and the beloved.Love in itself is the exercising of passions while allowing desires to follow the wishes and aspirations of the heart...

Monday, 30 April 2012

The Choice Of Love

"Could have been the best Choice You ever made"
The Choice of Love
Life is usually claimed to be a biological episode and a function which on its very unique way is an accident of purpose while death is said to be a must and  clearance phenomenon which awaits every other soul on planet Earth who partakes in the sojourn of existence-yet existence is a necessary sojourn of destiny on the planet Earth. One of the social etiquettes necessary for  life undertakings is being able to make a Choice and being able to make choices and selections from different options as no agreement was ever made and  signed for before your maker or  anything anywhere could be before we were given a lease of birth-as to who to be our parents, when to be born,where to be born or how to be born or to live on this platform of human activities.
I remember this story very well and with a lot of nostalgia from my first love (R.I.P.) in high school when I was challenged by her  great mind and soul of a love that I believed would have been the epitome of my love and happiness in life, narrating and teaching me to listen and be a good listener to any story and yearn for the message conveyed in it. Here goes her story adapted from the Love Guru’s voice of wisdom                                                                                          
“In a Love Contest in a Beach Love Camp organised solely for The Sojourn of Love  couples and those loving hearts were chosen at random,selected and included  to participate in a love quiz purposely meant to test their commitments to their partners in their love lives. A series of activities were undertaken both physical and oral. Among the oral activities undertaken included being given choices of love to make as a show of commitment to their relationship.Three love choices were given. These included choosing from the Love of Gold, Love of Flowers and Mothers Love. After choices were made and decided on, they were put to task to clearly explain their reasons and intentions of their choices. This they did so clearly to the attention and amusements of other couples who admitted that lovers go into a relationship without first weighing and weighing of other available options and only guided by sexual passions and infatuations mistaken to be love instead of true love and that is why there several definitions of True Love both shallow and deeply rooted on some kind of understanding”
Many of us including you and me and significant others do speculate instead of getting our basis of the argument and tendency to manual thinking in the issues of love.Put in another way savage way of thinking and doing what is mistaken to be love.
Of  particular interest and relevance to this article is the explanation and teaching that was advanced by the Love Guru whose  voice of wisdom was echoed in the following explanation:
The Love of Gold
"When money can furnish a room but can't buy peace"

This is symbolically an affair which is a mirror reflection to the love of glittering material things.The pussy in-things confused to be necessary in the blossoming of love. This is a love founded on the principle that
life is so short that one has to live honourably like a king on this world even if for a day rather than living a hundred years on Earth like a slave. The belief that life must be enjoyed no matter how carelessly it is consumed.”
It is a love anchored on expensive resources and gifts. The love of money and cars. Love of maisonettes and bungalows. The wheel of love is usually pushed round wheeled with the oil of material things and benefits that many believe must be provided as a prerequisite to sustaining the relationship. Quite often money takes the centre stage and is usually the cause of separation or calling it quits among lovers whenever love goes sour.
This is a love with no security The partners are quite insecure with and to each other-hence the Cheating Syndrome. Gold is loved by everybody and is wanted by everybody. One moment you could be having it the next moment you are robbed of it. It is a love associated with so many worries and uncertainties. There is no comfort in this love. Love with no future. Love threatened with desertation.Love with no assurance.Love based on the Slogan “Give me so that I give
The Love of Flowers
"What could be hidden deep inside the Hydagrass Flower?"

Is a love affair which is short lived and temporary. As it shoots out of its bud its is accompanied with fragrance and beauty which only lasts a day or two before it withers away completely.Just like a flower, it blossoms and withers away as soon as it loses its fragrance and value. As the saying goes that not all that glitters is gold, so you have to remember that not all flowers symbolises love but only Red roses do. Please do realize also that for very Rose flower you pick you will be pricked by its thorns, and the number of picks made do translate to the number of pricks and wounds inflicted on your skin. So as you keep on changing these flowers to maintain their beatification effect so you are maintaining the fresh wounds inflicted by its thorns. This is a love life characterised by the vain glories of life.
"This is a love life founded on the fact that I should live today for I do not know what tomorrow holds and that I should live today for tomorrow will always take care of itself-Never Postpone your future since the future is right here with you"
The Mothers Love
"Imagine the Happiness they derive from this for each other!"

This is an affair which represents True Love that only you is interested in. The love that cares not about my physique or physical appearance. Minds not about but will always cherish my failures and celebrate my successes. A love that will use my weaknesses as a starting point to console my soul and give me hope in life. Remember, you did not decide on that person to be your mother but came to the realization of’ your strong attachment and a sense of belonging
That my mother is my mother alone and I can never lose my mother or exchange my mother for another mother. Even if I go abroad I will always come back and be welcomed back to her arms. She has and gives the greatest love comparable to none at all”
When society looks down upon me or condemns me to death, it is my mother who will always come back to pay homage to my carcase or grave when she remembers the birth pangs she underwent when I was being born.
So what is the message we are learning from this short story and its explanation? The right choice of love should be based on different faces presented by love.Remember to use your Mind As an Object of Love to guide you make a better choice of your love.
Let the love of money not rob you of your mother’s love as you watch out of those glittering things that are short-lived.Those who have ever foung happiness in their love lives believably have always been very plain and simple in their love.While it is true that money can not buy love,it can only be used as a vehicle to carry and ferry love to risky and interesting heights. Money is only a way to labour of love but not a guarantee to its satisfaction or maintainace Just a minute this article is still being built! Have a rewarding Labour Day!

The Romantic Submission Moment

: The phrase "The Romantic Submission moment" is a break-even point in love where desires of the heart are overcome through commitment to ...

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The Factor of Timology on Romance

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