Broken Heart!!!!
One of the lessons from Easter festivities is that the nailing of Jesus on the cross was not in vain but was a second chance given by God to Humanity in which He gave His love a second chance to renew his dedication and champion the course of love in his continuity.It is true from the reflection that Jesus was not the nails that chained him to the cross but his the much talked about love quote from John 3:16-The LOVE TRIANGLE enshrined in the TRINITY-Love between God and His Son,Love between Jesus and Humanity and the Love between God and Humanity.His love for Humanity is always a second chance being a reload of the previous activity looked upon the face of reflection and a yearn for a replay and a rededication of feelings in order to have a correction of the previous mistake Always there comes a time when someone or something which was dear to you and you had let go attempts to make a comeback or makes a return appearance at a least expected time then a romantic submission submission makes a demand and takes a centr-stage.It comes with the delight of remembering the sweet nonsense or a rewind of that which was not given the best opportunity or approach and the spoilt sweet moments that partners ever had together in order to brighten the day of one's life...