"Taking Love from the Cup of Love"
Would you like to join the great debate on what love is? Of course I suspect.Perhaps this is the golden chance and opportune moment of joining the like-minded 3-D thinkers in re-shaping some of the age-old fallacies, conepts and notions often so much misused that their speculative use has been quite commonly taken as the gospel meaning of the concept even if they are wrong.One of this is the The Concept of Love Whereas this could have been partially or wholly true,I feel for the sake of this understanding,the explanation of the word love should begin with the highlighting of the concept of love.This is done here by first giving the literary exposition of the words “Concept” and “Love”The Concept of Love
I begin my exposition of the Concept of Love by providing the definition of the word "Concept" as used in this article
From the theory of study of words the word concept usually refers to a general notion about something: or an abstract idea about something made reference of. As an abstraction of a phenomenon. Event or object.We paint a general idea about what is made reference of.Conception is usually a noun referring to either conceiving of or being a conceived idea or understanding of something.Conceptual is a descriptive word referring to the mental concept of something .in itself more of abstraction of what is made reference of.Conceptually is an adverb referring to a conceptual way of perception of a thing, an event or an object or subject.With all the naivety and intellectualism associated with the passions and desires of the heart,the word that has always been very difficult to define or explain or precisely say what it is has been the word Love.Through speculation and social ventures many had always taken this literally to mean sexual tendencies exhibited and shown by one partner towards the other with an intention of sexual consumption.Having looked at the meaning of the word "concept" may I now shift the attention to the word love:
From a layman’s point of view the word Love refers to some and of course deep affection or fondness exercised by one partner towards the other with similar desires and feelings,intimately these are sexual passions that emanate from the desires and wishes of the prospective lover.
To the beginners in the game of love,where their understanding of love is equated with infatuation and sexual urge, and they take love to mean sexual relations between two members of the opposite sex romantically attracted to each other and shares in the give and take phenomenon and exchange of love sentiments.
From the social interaction point of view the word love is taken to mean the effect resulting from the romantic submission moment which result after a social front has been crossed leading to the breakdown moment.Here,the two love birds having flown high and nigh towards the direction of each other and having crossed the social front have perched onto the heart of the partners.Consequently to fall in love here means to begin to love which thinly means to begin to recognize the feelings and desires, appreciate the efforts taken to show or have the feelings shown and to initiate the exercise of love. Simply put the love affair begins.Take note that love affair here refers to a romantic or sexual relationship between two people, between love-birds that has been planted,nurtured and tendered like a love-in-a-mist (blue-flowered cultivated plant) the result of which if not tendered creates the feeling of being lovesick,which means languishing with love.
From a literary discourse it is understood that the word love is associated with such words like beloved one,sweetheart and is colloquially used as a form of address regardless of affection of the person of whom one is fond of.Are words usually used as forms of affectionate greetings,particularly intended to make the lover feel love for,or have delight in, sometimes used to admire or have admiration for, to like very much.
am not here,trying to make a retinue of romantic words but just to have a
slight exposition of important words used in Love and romance.The other words
are lovelorn pining from unrequited
love. To make love has always been
taken to mean to have a sexual intercourse (with) pay amorous attention Loveable means can be loved.Loveless means unloving or unloved or
both ‘lovely colloquial pleasing, delightful,beautiful.
A Lover is a person in love with another
or is having mutual sexual relations with another; unmarried couple in love or
having sexual relations, person who enjoys specified thing Loving feeling or showing love,affectionate Loving cup is a two-handled drinking cup passed round at banquets.
looked at the words concept and love separately, we need now to combine the two
and get a holistic definition of the Concept
of Love.
From the Social Interaction point of view,The Concept of Love means the general notion of Love as perceived in the mind of the lover and the beloved.Love in itself is the exercising of passions while allowing desires to follow the wishes and aspirations of the heart...
From the Social Interaction point of view,The Concept of Love means the general notion of Love as perceived in the mind of the lover and the beloved.Love in itself is the exercising of passions while allowing desires to follow the wishes and aspirations of the heart...
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