Timology is the study of time.It is a branch of knowledge that deals with time analysis and continuity.It deals with time analysis in terms of time measurement and recording and time forecasting and prediction.It is a branch of knowleddge based on research and analysis of time and has culminated in the discovery,exploration,development and production of the perpetual calendar useful in many areas including Modelling among other areas.
Saturday, 30 April 2011
TIMOLOGYVOK MISSION STATEMENT: "Ambassadors of Knowledge for Humanity"
Friday, 29 April 2011
The Sojourn Of Love
"Love sometimes proves to have many faces and at times is so sweet
that sometimes it calls for a sacrifice and an escape to the outer
An article by
Vincent Oduor
Odhiambo (Bed, Med Nairobi)
Father of
Modern Timolog
While romancing
is admittedly having many tidbits, cycles, ebbs and tides, managements of these
may be quite challenging and of course a subject of discussion or debate
whichever way is your standpoint. One thing which should be quite certain is
that these tidbits, cycles, ebbs and tides associated with love breeds and
nurtures so many Faces Of Love.Out of these many faces of love,
I am building
an argument on the face projected by hollowness and emptiness and please my
dear reader join me in the discussion if you please. This is so in order
to present a treatise with sharing with the
I wish to
comment on a situation where a lover is swayed by the ebbs and tides and is so
low so disgusted and down that he or she feels so much less and down in
spirit that he finds love and life both hollow and meaningless. One is
therefore bogged down with a feeling of betrayal, and a feeling of uselessness,
a feeling of desertion, a feeling of absconding and a feeling of
Here one is at a loss and gets such a feeling that a bird whose nest, nestle
and brood has been destroyed by a fowler gone and never to be seen again would
The feeling that love has escaped in the air. The feeling of emptiness at times is so great and so hollow that it makes the victim behaves and wears the face of dejection as loving in its latest facial appearance is like chasing the wind. Out of many perspectives that you may look at it, I wish to argue for the cycle of love associated with a feeling of betrayal This might not be a betrayal per see but the other face projected when love is forced to swing into the face of freedom, the face of free choice that it escapes the captivating and territorial commands of the other partner.
To a socially
outgoing partner with a lone ranger, then this is where the mistake begins to
be seen and regrets ensue. There is this face of love when you feel
somewhat out of touch with your romantic element socially and when all the
elements of existence and other things tend to appear to betray your course of
existence you become so low in spirit that you feel like escaping romantically
to the sea of bliss. This is Romantic Quagmire and a moment of
romantic soul searching-- but it's not just your own energy wreaking havoc it is a
multiplicity of factors taking control.
While being alone might be the best portion, for those still with some
hopes of rekindling hopes in life, I wish to reiterate that at this moment you
need somebody to synchronize and share out with, to give the emerging negatives
their meanings in life. To remind you of and nurture your latent potential
strength that exists along the negatives. To give life and love a new lease of
life and meanings in existence. To celebrate your successes to fill your
emptiness while cherishing your failures and shortcomings. To make you forget
your perils and evils so as to synchronize the adversity of love in order to
diversify its feelings
It advisable never to create room for loneliness in this situation. One
can never confide to himself. It takes two to get out for synchronization, just
as it takes two to get back into the same groove and game. It takes two to
tango and it takes two to resolve-This has the soothing effect and the calming
moment of the conflicting situation.
When you miss the chance of the great re-union with your supposedly
better human being you have always imagined to be your half, then seek the
company and redress of either a friend, a relative or a family member or
somebody you are so close to that will not throw you into another romantic
bliss. Remember you do not need another dose of Romantic Bliss. Get a perfect
freedom for a soothing moment. The perfectness of this pair is what I call romantic break-evening.
This might sound so philosophical, yet so necessary that it cannot be ignored.
When you are low in spirit, artistically and socially, get a refreshing
environment, a soothing and a quieter environment, a healing corner and get a
fresh breath of love. Learn from every and any other item that nature could
mercifully presents to you in that environment.
Romanticize every moment and situation you find yourself into and make
meaning out of your sojourn. Get the best out of your sojourn. The video shots
of the funniest moment and the allure of music in the background might be
meaningless but will count. You will miss the sight and aroma of the foods
served around. The snapshots of the adjoining culture, the nature and its
beauty, the constructions and arrangement in the compound and even the décor
will count one day when it will shade a lot of meaning in your love life. Those
little souvenir article will be refreshing and quite rewarding to you after the
sojourn later thereafter.
Be a willing learner and learn out of every situation. Do not fret
and be negative of your romantic sojourn. At least there is something little to
learn about it if you think positive So do not forget to pick an item however
small or useless it might appear.
It might be your talisman one day. Remember,
memories will be made of those little silly things that lovers do or should do
have done or missed to do.
This is the essence of Romantic Escape. The right thing for one to do, when
this happens, is to live and let live, get self confidence, self reflection
self worth, and self assurance and gather the necessary courage to face the
inevitable realities that has come with the situation.
Here, you need to if you find this necessary and if you can afford, to
escape to a quieter, more serene and private suburban environment where natural
element-The soothing cool mountain air or sea-breeze, the welcoming glitter of
white sand, the tantalizing whistling birds the serene beautiful landscape
around with the diverse culture of the adjoining inhabitants as well as the
healing twinkles of the stars -will administer their anaesthesia.
The overall result is to make one relax and relieve the tension
emanating from the situational grief. A swim in the rough salty beaches or
smooth fresh swimming pool should do the trick. Lessons from Martin Luther King
reveal that the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of
comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenges and
So when I reflect on this, I would say that the ultimate strength of love s not
the challenges of love one encounters in moments of Romantic Submission but how
one handles the challenges and conflicting situations.
This is the time for true lovers to stand up and renew the degenerating
Love is an
entity that exists and must continue in the heart of the holder as long as
existence is guaranteed and that is why it fits so well in timology. Love must
be borne, love needs care and nurturing, love needs attention and nourishment.
Love has many faces and facets to be recognized, nourished, cherished and
celebtrated.This is where the sojourn of love comes in. When everything is said and done, take the great lesson from David
Schuler that
Educational Publishers 2011
REMEMBER:For a Peaceful Humanity-We need Understanding, Change and Co-operation
REMEMBER:For a Peaceful Humanity-We need Understanding, Change and Co-operation
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Expanding Knowledge for Humanity
Expanding Knowledge for Humanity: "This is the Timology Vision Statement"
TIMOLOGY PHILOSOPHICAL STATEMENT: For a Peaceful Humanity-We need Understanding, Change and Co-operation
The Explosion of Timology Concepts
The Explosion of Timology Concepts: " 'Timologylive' This is a great reading and media which is a must for those interested in timology.Please give your contribution and reacti..."
The Breaking Moment
There is a social circumstance used in the management social of pressure and tension.There is this point in time when your world seems to stop moving,the clock of time appears to have stopped ticking,Your brains also is in complicity to the situation and misfires in thinking.This is the moment you have a blackout of your centre of interest and activities.The world appears so small to you with the feeling of nobody else out but yourself.This is a moment you cant fly off with the wind in your sails in the moment of blackout.You are bogged down with "Why me" or the "Me first" feelings that you find yourself in The Breaking Moment
By taking a look at thinking aloud by John Burrough on Deeds & Intentions and I quote
"The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention"
I have the following that the smallest deed of breaking down to sob is your gretest point of strength to submit and succumb to defeat.Read The Romantic Submission Moment OR The Social Submission Moment
Expanding Knowledge for Humanity
This is the Timology Vision Statement
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Time analysis and Continuity
The Continuity of Existence and the Analysis of Time is a relatively new aspect of knowledge that is being put under a test and research just to find the extend to which humanity has interacted with it in terms of ancient timology and modern timology
Time analysis and Continuity
TIMOLOGY: Time analysis and Continuity: "TIME ANALYSIS AND CONTINUITY The Continuity of Existence and the Analysis of Time is a relatively new aspect of knowledge that is being p..."
Timologyvok's 1st Anniversary
This Blog is today exactly one year
Exactly one year now when Timologyvok was given birth to.It was 27 April day of 2010 that I created this blog that has been a successful story.Now TIMOLOGYVOK.BLOGSPOT.COM has hit 1187 across the globe. viewers.By any standard this is quite an impact.For all my networking friends Timology is claiming its position in the internet.Stay tuned and get connected to get more of the fun.
For all my networking friends Timology is claiming its position in the internet.Stay tuned and connected.Post your articles and be counted among other ambassadors.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Timologylive: "The Explosion of Timology Concept-The Ambassadors of Knowledge to Humanity-Passing Knowledge to Humanity http://www.timologyvok.blog..."
The Explosion of Timology Concept
The Ambassadors of Knowledge to Humanity- Passing Knowledge to Humanity http://www.timologyvok.blogspot.com/ or http://www.timologylive.blogspot.com/
By Vincent Oduor Odhiambo (Bed; Med-Nairobi)Father of Modern Timology
Existence and Continuity are two complementary entities that cannot exist in isolation.You cannot comfortably explain one without making reference to the other as they depend on each other and are therefore responsible for each others sake. The duration of co-existence and the amount of continuity emanating from this co-existence spells time
Existence is a philosophical issue that has been discussed by many scholars and philosophers alike. Among those include Krauss et al(2002), in an article “The Fate of Life in the Universe,” Scientific American Special Edition: The Once and Future Cosmos, discusses the future of intelligent life and how it might adapt to and survive the expansion of the universe. It should be pointed out that this will be vague without the element of timology
Existentialism as a doctrine was derived from Kierkegaard (1813-55)-the Danish philosopher, and popularised by Sartre (1905-1980)-the French writer and philosopher asserts ‘‘that man is a unique and isolated individual in an indifferent or hostile universe, responsible for his own actions and free to choose his destiny’’
So Humanity should be a subject and a product of Change and Continuity and his comfort in the environment is subject to the Environment Interaction Theory(EIT Theory).This is a theory anchored on the principles of Understanding, Change and Co-operation or put in another way the Agnostic Development Theory(ADT).It is in this regard that timology has its purpose in existentialism.
Due to this indifference or hostile Universe as the stage where man is the actor, Humanity must take responsibility for his own actions as he has the free will to choose to shape or redefine his destiny. He therefore very much needs knowledge of existence and continuity
Timology Knowledge is a kind of understanding or a mass of information that relates to timology. It is a familiarity gained through timological experience gathered from a range of information through research, networking, collaboration,capacity building information outsourcing or publication of generated knowledge of time and continuity.
Humanity has been in the thoroughfare of existence long enough, will continue to exist so long as he does not choose to destroy himself and will remain alive for the great age so as to experience and survive the continuity of the universe and perpetuation of his existence. Whether he takes this positively or negatively has been the philosophical question of many scholars.
A timologist, Prior(1967) present a pioneering work in temporal logic, the symbolic logic of time, which permits propositions to be true at one time and false at another in his book Past, Present and Future Welcome to Timologylive-to pass knowledge to Humanity.Timologylive.This is a term referring to alive knowledge in the sense of continuity and existence. It is used in the sense of existence.
Timologylive comes of age and claims its place among other media for the dissemination of information and knowledge. It is a medium for the explosion of Timology Concepts This is an academic wing of timology as originated by vok.This is a brain child of timology concepts-an off shoot of timologyvok which has been a social change process. In this technical perspective we strive to collect and disseminate information on timology concepts in terms of origin, evelopment and application of Continuity Principles and theories
The import themes that this article will tackle will include:
(I) Continuity Concepts and Principles.
Continuity.Continuity is a vocabulary in the US dialect. It is uncountable noun referring to a state of being continous.It might have several meaning in different areas of study. In theatre (Cinema, TV) scenario, it may mean arrangements of the parts of a whole (story).With reference to time, Continuity means a state of time being continous,that is to say, going on without a break. Therefore time is a continuum, i.e.continous or made up of a graded sequence of differences spelt out by motions of the Earth.
Continuity Analysis.Literally, this is a term referring to separation of continuity into parts possibly with comments and judgement. Statements of the result of continuity
Continuity Analysis is the study of discovered complex cycles, rules, laws and principles of continuity with a series of procedures that depict efficient order for carrying out continuity procedures (time measurement and recording, time forecasting and prediction). This is the study of the interaction and influence of the continuity rules, laws and principles. It makes a highlight of the evolution, exploration, development and production of a mass of knowledge that has come to be known as Timology.
Continuity Principles Generally, principles are basic truths or general law of cause and effects. The first principles of continuity are based on time series and sequence with Base-31-Generator function as the key player. These are the guiding rules for continuity with timology as its basic principle.These are set of rules, laws and principles that are believed to have been responsible in guiding and is believed to offer explanation of the question of time and will help scientist and budding modern timologist to explore and explain Continuity and Existence.
Continuity Cycles.Refers to a series of alternate lunar and leap periods depicted in the continuity phase as alternating rings running from East to West in a clockwise direction which runs from East to West in a clockwise direction. These cycles are horizontally inclined at an angle of 550 to the axis and mirrors or runs in tandem with the elementary imaginary lines(Latitudes and Longitudes).In the book Matter, Space, & Motion: Theories in Antiquity and Their Sequel. Sorabji (1988) in Chapter 10 discusses ancient and contemporary accounts of circular time which is a proof that continuity cycles had been appreciated long enough to find its positions in the annals of History and the pages of culture.
Time What is time and where did time come from? Modern timologist like Veneziano(2004) have had difficult time in trying to provide an answer to this philosophical question ‘what is time?’ and argues in his book “The Myth of the Beginning of Time,” by giving an account of string theory’s impact on our understanding of time’s origin. He hypothesizes that our Big Bang event was not the origin of time but simply the outcome of a pre-existing state.Even though time deals with duration, timologist Dummett,(2000 ) in his book “Is Time a Continuum of Instants?,” presents a constructivist model of time that challenges the idea that time is composed of durationless instants.This negates the idea of quantification of time the he appreciates such instants that can be used to relate to existence.
Norton(2010) argues that “We don’t find passage in our present theories and we would like to preserve the vanity that our physical theories of time have captured all the important facts of time. So we protect our vanity by the stratagem of dismissing passage as an illusion.
”From a very basic understanding, time has three aspects with reference to timology concepts. It may be used in its uncountable form, in its countable form and in its application to timology.As uncountable noun, and to a lay man’s understanding, it is commonly known to be referring to all the days of the time past, present and future. It may also mean the passing of all the days, months and years, taken as a whole (sometimes personalised as old).
To other intellectuals, it may mean a portion or measure of time, a point of time stated in hours and minutes of the day. They quantify this to be measured in units such as years, months, hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.
To scholars and timologists,the units of time go beyond years to include spirals, cycles and generation. Others may look at time as an illusion (Callender 2010) .The philosophical issue of time has been espoused by many timologist as shown below.According to Callender (2001).explanation he has the belief in the fact that time is fundamental may be an illusion because time emerges from a universe that is basically static.This is the point of departure from the realism since Universe is a continuum and cannot be static
As a countable noun, it is often used in its plural form to mean the condition of life, the circumstances etc of a period characterised by certain qualities.Timologist like Carroll (2010) in his book From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time tried to advance a theory of time which is more of eternity than static. In its application to continuity analysis, it is a style of rhythmic motion of the Earth which depends upon a number vibrations,slides,spins(rotations),revolutions,spirulations ,cyculation and generation in the successive generation of existence upon continuity.
Davies (1995).made a survey of the impact of the theory of relativity on our understanding of time.To him Time was an Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution.Also, a look at a collection of twelve influential articles on the passage of time, subjective facts, the reality of the future, the unreality of time, time without change,causal theories of time,time travel,causation,empty time,topology, possible worlds,tense and modality,direction and possibility, and thought experiments about time. Le Poidevin et al(1993).In their book Travels in Four Dimensions: The Enigmas of Space and Time, Le Poidevin et al(2003).gives a philosophical introduction to conceptual questions involving space and time. Where as there is a de-emphasis on teaching the scientific theories, and an emphasis on elementary introductions to the relationship of time to change, the implications that different structures for time have for our understanding of causation, difficulties with Zeno’s Paradoxes, whether time passes, the nature of the present, and why time has an arrow.The treatment of time travel says, rather oddly,that time machines “disappear” and that when a “time machine leaves for 2101, it simply does not exist in the intervening times,” as measured from an external reference frame. Maudlin,Tim.The Metaphysics Within Physics, Oxford University Press, 2007. “On the Passing of Time,” defends the dynamic theory of time’s flow, and argues that the passage of time is objective
The Concept of time and the Motion of the planet Earth
From the scholarly point of view the additional units of time have been arrived at after careful analysis of periodic patterns of continuity displayed in the Continuity phases both for Time Divergent Zone (TDZ) and Time Convergent Zone (TCZ)
In a very distinctive way another scholar negates the existence of time with change. Shoemaker (1969) in a journal “Time without Change,” Journal of Philosophy, has a thought experiment designed to show us how time could exist even without any change in the universe. It is here that I wish to indicate that as long as the Universe is time will always be quantified as it gives the duration of existence of the Universe. If the Universe will cease to be so time will diminish.In a very distinctive way, this postulates that the Earth undergoes seven motions categorised into three and each provides a unique way of quantifying time using the unique units of measurements.
These are:
(i) The Perceived Motions of the Earth
(ii)The Depicted Motions of the Earth
(iii)The Speculative Motions of the Earth
(a)The Perceived Motions of the Earth
These are movements of the Earth we become aware of with respect to what has been formal knowledge especially through the eyes or the mind. Here the mind or intuition takes centre stage to the argument.Damasio (2006) takes a look at the brain structures involved in how our mind organizes our experiences into the proper temporal order. Benjamin Libet also discovered in the 1970s that the brain events involved in initiating a free choice occur about a third of a second before we are aware of our making the choice. Deutsch, & Lockwood,(1994) “The Quantum Physics of Time Travel,”An investigation of the puzzle of getting information for free by travelling in time.The two perceived motions of the Earth are vibrations and sliding.
These two are responsible for creation of the seconds and minutes respectively
Vibration is a rapid and continuous backward-forward motion especially when the equilibrium has been disturbed. This is the first movement of the Earth.
Sliding with reference to motion, to slide is to cause to move smoothly over, or slip along a regular path or polished surface. So this is the type of motion where the Earth passes gradually.
(b) The depicted Motion of the Earth.
These are motions of the Earth that can be visualised, shown in form of a picture, can be described. These are the motions that many literate personalities become conscious by virtue of elementary Geography. The two depicted motions of the Earth are rotation and revolution.
Rotation refers to turning. It means the regular coming round of objects or things or events in succession. Derived from the word rotate which means move round a central point ,or taking turns or coming in succession. It is equivalent to spinning and therefore is responsible for the creation of the hours. It is the third motion of the Earth responsible causing days and nights.
Revolution is a noun referring to the act of revolving or journeying round. It is a complete turn of a round object. It is derived from the word revolve which means go round in a circle. This translates into years and therefore responsible for seasons of the year.
(c )The Speculative Motions of the Earth
These are more philosophical in approach. These are motions reached at after a careful analysis of the patterns and cycles of continuity generated by the continuity analysis and often supported by a repeat of certain events or occurrence of UFOs
The principles concerned are those of speculation based on speculative philosophy. Since these are just opinions without complete knowledge, we speculate upon the future of the movement of the Earth and should be a subject of research and invention to isolate the guess from facts. The three timological motions speculated are Spirulation, Cyculation and Generation.
Spirulation derived from the word spiral, refers to a kind of motion with advancing or ascending continuous curve winding round a central point. It is a noun derived from the adjective spiral. This is a movement completed in 140 years.
Cyculation is a noun derived from the noun cycle and refers to a series of events taking place in a regularly repeated order just like the cycle of seasons. These motions are cyclic, i.e.reccurring in cycles. The revelations from continuity analysis indicate that there are 50 cycles each containing 140 revolutions.This is what constitutes a generation.
GenerationThis is a single stage that marks a completion of several motions as the Earth takes a sojourn of 7000 years across the Universe. To generate is to cause to exist or occur. It is a product of existence. Used as a countable noun, it means a single stage in existence descence,or rather an average period of 7000 years in which existence is believed to elapse
TimologyThis is the knowledge of time and continuity. It is a branch of knowledge that deals with Time Measurement and Continuity Analysis The study of existence. As a noun, it is used as an uncountable noun. According to Greek philosophy, it is a nous which means, a form of intellect either divine or reasoning.In the same form, timology as a nous in Great Britain is colloquially used to mean common sense or gumtion
The Concept of Timology
For quite sometimes timology as a term has baffled many some of who imagined that it’s not meaningfully existing hence making a joke with the word. The concept of Timology can be meaningfully understood in the face of several definitions. Principally there are two broad areas to broaden our understanding of the term.First, we look at the term as a concept then secondly look at the term as a word.
(i)Timology as a Concept
Looking at timology as a concept, there are two definitions that currently emerges
(a)Timology as an Academic Concept (b)Timology as a Social Concept
Timology as an Academic Concept
Timology is a branch of knowledge which has been enormous enough to stand on its own(knowledge explosion).It is a definable term with a scope and categories.So as an academic concept,it is a term that has been discovered,explored,evolved and developed into a branch of knowledge.It is distinguishable from the social concept in that it is written with capital ‘T’due to justifiable reasons
Timology as a Social Concept
There are a number of individuals who have socially tried to make a joke around the term ‘timology’I wish to indicate that there is a clear distinction of the term when looked at as a social concept. It is written with small ‘t’ since there can be no justifiable reason why it should use the term for the purpose it is indicated
(ii)Timology as a word(or a term)
The Ambassadors of Knowledge to Humanity- Passing Knowledge to Humanity http://www.timologyvok.blogspot.com/ or http://www.timologylive.blogspot.com/
By Vincent Oduor Odhiambo (Bed; Med-Nairobi)Father of Modern Timology
Existence and Continuity are two complementary entities that cannot exist in isolation.You cannot comfortably explain one without making reference to the other as they depend on each other and are therefore responsible for each others sake. The duration of co-existence and the amount of continuity emanating from this co-existence spells time
Existence is a philosophical issue that has been discussed by many scholars and philosophers alike. Among those include Krauss et al(2002), in an article “The Fate of Life in the Universe,” Scientific American Special Edition: The Once and Future Cosmos, discusses the future of intelligent life and how it might adapt to and survive the expansion of the universe. It should be pointed out that this will be vague without the element of timology
Existentialism as a doctrine was derived from Kierkegaard (1813-55)-the Danish philosopher, and popularised by Sartre (1905-1980)-the French writer and philosopher asserts ‘‘that man is a unique and isolated individual in an indifferent or hostile universe, responsible for his own actions and free to choose his destiny’’
So Humanity should be a subject and a product of Change and Continuity and his comfort in the environment is subject to the Environment Interaction Theory(EIT Theory).This is a theory anchored on the principles of Understanding, Change and Co-operation or put in another way the Agnostic Development Theory(ADT).It is in this regard that timology has its purpose in existentialism.
Due to this indifference or hostile Universe as the stage where man is the actor, Humanity must take responsibility for his own actions as he has the free will to choose to shape or redefine his destiny. He therefore very much needs knowledge of existence and continuity
Timology Knowledge is a kind of understanding or a mass of information that relates to timology. It is a familiarity gained through timological experience gathered from a range of information through research, networking, collaboration,capacity building information outsourcing or publication of generated knowledge of time and continuity.
Humanity has been in the thoroughfare of existence long enough, will continue to exist so long as he does not choose to destroy himself and will remain alive for the great age so as to experience and survive the continuity of the universe and perpetuation of his existence. Whether he takes this positively or negatively has been the philosophical question of many scholars.
A timologist, Prior(1967) present a pioneering work in temporal logic, the symbolic logic of time, which permits propositions to be true at one time and false at another in his book Past, Present and Future Welcome to Timologylive-to pass knowledge to Humanity.Timologylive.This is a term referring to alive knowledge in the sense of continuity and existence. It is used in the sense of existence.
Timologylive comes of age and claims its place among other media for the dissemination of information and knowledge. It is a medium for the explosion of Timology Concepts This is an academic wing of timology as originated by vok.This is a brain child of timology concepts-an off shoot of timologyvok which has been a social change process. In this technical perspective we strive to collect and disseminate information on timology concepts in terms of origin, evelopment and application of Continuity Principles and theories
The import themes that this article will tackle will include:
(I) Continuity Concepts and Principles.
Continuity.Continuity is a vocabulary in the US dialect. It is uncountable noun referring to a state of being continous.It might have several meaning in different areas of study. In theatre (Cinema, TV) scenario, it may mean arrangements of the parts of a whole (story).With reference to time, Continuity means a state of time being continous,that is to say, going on without a break. Therefore time is a continuum, i.e.continous or made up of a graded sequence of differences spelt out by motions of the Earth.
Continuity Analysis.Literally, this is a term referring to separation of continuity into parts possibly with comments and judgement. Statements of the result of continuity
Continuity Analysis is the study of discovered complex cycles, rules, laws and principles of continuity with a series of procedures that depict efficient order for carrying out continuity procedures (time measurement and recording, time forecasting and prediction). This is the study of the interaction and influence of the continuity rules, laws and principles. It makes a highlight of the evolution, exploration, development and production of a mass of knowledge that has come to be known as Timology.
Continuity Principles Generally, principles are basic truths or general law of cause and effects. The first principles of continuity are based on time series and sequence with Base-31-Generator function as the key player. These are the guiding rules for continuity with timology as its basic principle.These are set of rules, laws and principles that are believed to have been responsible in guiding and is believed to offer explanation of the question of time and will help scientist and budding modern timologist to explore and explain Continuity and Existence.
Continuity Cycles.Refers to a series of alternate lunar and leap periods depicted in the continuity phase as alternating rings running from East to West in a clockwise direction which runs from East to West in a clockwise direction. These cycles are horizontally inclined at an angle of 550 to the axis and mirrors or runs in tandem with the elementary imaginary lines(Latitudes and Longitudes).In the book Matter, Space, & Motion: Theories in Antiquity and Their Sequel. Sorabji (1988) in Chapter 10 discusses ancient and contemporary accounts of circular time which is a proof that continuity cycles had been appreciated long enough to find its positions in the annals of History and the pages of culture.
Time What is time and where did time come from? Modern timologist like Veneziano(2004) have had difficult time in trying to provide an answer to this philosophical question ‘what is time?’ and argues in his book “The Myth of the Beginning of Time,” by giving an account of string theory’s impact on our understanding of time’s origin. He hypothesizes that our Big Bang event was not the origin of time but simply the outcome of a pre-existing state.Even though time deals with duration, timologist Dummett,(2000 ) in his book “Is Time a Continuum of Instants?,” presents a constructivist model of time that challenges the idea that time is composed of durationless instants.This negates the idea of quantification of time the he appreciates such instants that can be used to relate to existence.
Norton(2010) argues that “We don’t find passage in our present theories and we would like to preserve the vanity that our physical theories of time have captured all the important facts of time. So we protect our vanity by the stratagem of dismissing passage as an illusion.
”From a very basic understanding, time has three aspects with reference to timology concepts. It may be used in its uncountable form, in its countable form and in its application to timology.As uncountable noun, and to a lay man’s understanding, it is commonly known to be referring to all the days of the time past, present and future. It may also mean the passing of all the days, months and years, taken as a whole (sometimes personalised as old).
To other intellectuals, it may mean a portion or measure of time, a point of time stated in hours and minutes of the day. They quantify this to be measured in units such as years, months, hours, minutes, seconds and microseconds.
To scholars and timologists,the units of time go beyond years to include spirals, cycles and generation. Others may look at time as an illusion (Callender 2010) .The philosophical issue of time has been espoused by many timologist as shown below.According to Callender (2001).explanation he has the belief in the fact that time is fundamental may be an illusion because time emerges from a universe that is basically static.This is the point of departure from the realism since Universe is a continuum and cannot be static
As a countable noun, it is often used in its plural form to mean the condition of life, the circumstances etc of a period characterised by certain qualities.Timologist like Carroll (2010) in his book From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time tried to advance a theory of time which is more of eternity than static. In its application to continuity analysis, it is a style of rhythmic motion of the Earth which depends upon a number vibrations,slides,spins(rotations),revolutions,spirulations ,cyculation and generation in the successive generation of existence upon continuity.
Davies (1995).made a survey of the impact of the theory of relativity on our understanding of time.To him Time was an Einstein’s Unfinished Revolution.Also, a look at a collection of twelve influential articles on the passage of time, subjective facts, the reality of the future, the unreality of time, time without change,causal theories of time,time travel,causation,empty time,topology, possible worlds,tense and modality,direction and possibility, and thought experiments about time. Le Poidevin et al(1993).In their book Travels in Four Dimensions: The Enigmas of Space and Time, Le Poidevin et al(2003).gives a philosophical introduction to conceptual questions involving space and time. Where as there is a de-emphasis on teaching the scientific theories, and an emphasis on elementary introductions to the relationship of time to change, the implications that different structures for time have for our understanding of causation, difficulties with Zeno’s Paradoxes, whether time passes, the nature of the present, and why time has an arrow.The treatment of time travel says, rather oddly,that time machines “disappear” and that when a “time machine leaves for 2101, it simply does not exist in the intervening times,” as measured from an external reference frame. Maudlin,Tim.The Metaphysics Within Physics, Oxford University Press, 2007. “On the Passing of Time,” defends the dynamic theory of time’s flow, and argues that the passage of time is objective
The Concept of time and the Motion of the planet Earth
From the scholarly point of view the additional units of time have been arrived at after careful analysis of periodic patterns of continuity displayed in the Continuity phases both for Time Divergent Zone (TDZ) and Time Convergent Zone (TCZ)
In a very distinctive way another scholar negates the existence of time with change. Shoemaker (1969) in a journal “Time without Change,” Journal of Philosophy, has a thought experiment designed to show us how time could exist even without any change in the universe. It is here that I wish to indicate that as long as the Universe is time will always be quantified as it gives the duration of existence of the Universe. If the Universe will cease to be so time will diminish.In a very distinctive way, this postulates that the Earth undergoes seven motions categorised into three and each provides a unique way of quantifying time using the unique units of measurements.
These are:
(i) The Perceived Motions of the Earth
(ii)The Depicted Motions of the Earth
(iii)The Speculative Motions of the Earth
(a)The Perceived Motions of the Earth
These are movements of the Earth we become aware of with respect to what has been formal knowledge especially through the eyes or the mind. Here the mind or intuition takes centre stage to the argument.Damasio (2006) takes a look at the brain structures involved in how our mind organizes our experiences into the proper temporal order. Benjamin Libet also discovered in the 1970s that the brain events involved in initiating a free choice occur about a third of a second before we are aware of our making the choice. Deutsch, & Lockwood,(1994) “The Quantum Physics of Time Travel,”An investigation of the puzzle of getting information for free by travelling in time.The two perceived motions of the Earth are vibrations and sliding.
These two are responsible for creation of the seconds and minutes respectively
Vibration is a rapid and continuous backward-forward motion especially when the equilibrium has been disturbed. This is the first movement of the Earth.
Sliding with reference to motion, to slide is to cause to move smoothly over, or slip along a regular path or polished surface. So this is the type of motion where the Earth passes gradually.
(b) The depicted Motion of the Earth.
These are motions of the Earth that can be visualised, shown in form of a picture, can be described. These are the motions that many literate personalities become conscious by virtue of elementary Geography. The two depicted motions of the Earth are rotation and revolution.
Rotation refers to turning. It means the regular coming round of objects or things or events in succession. Derived from the word rotate which means move round a central point ,or taking turns or coming in succession. It is equivalent to spinning and therefore is responsible for the creation of the hours. It is the third motion of the Earth responsible causing days and nights.
Revolution is a noun referring to the act of revolving or journeying round. It is a complete turn of a round object. It is derived from the word revolve which means go round in a circle. This translates into years and therefore responsible for seasons of the year.
(c )The Speculative Motions of the Earth
These are more philosophical in approach. These are motions reached at after a careful analysis of the patterns and cycles of continuity generated by the continuity analysis and often supported by a repeat of certain events or occurrence of UFOs
The principles concerned are those of speculation based on speculative philosophy. Since these are just opinions without complete knowledge, we speculate upon the future of the movement of the Earth and should be a subject of research and invention to isolate the guess from facts. The three timological motions speculated are Spirulation, Cyculation and Generation.
Spirulation derived from the word spiral, refers to a kind of motion with advancing or ascending continuous curve winding round a central point. It is a noun derived from the adjective spiral. This is a movement completed in 140 years.
Cyculation is a noun derived from the noun cycle and refers to a series of events taking place in a regularly repeated order just like the cycle of seasons. These motions are cyclic, i.e.reccurring in cycles. The revelations from continuity analysis indicate that there are 50 cycles each containing 140 revolutions.This is what constitutes a generation.
GenerationThis is a single stage that marks a completion of several motions as the Earth takes a sojourn of 7000 years across the Universe. To generate is to cause to exist or occur. It is a product of existence. Used as a countable noun, it means a single stage in existence descence,or rather an average period of 7000 years in which existence is believed to elapse
TimologyThis is the knowledge of time and continuity. It is a branch of knowledge that deals with Time Measurement and Continuity Analysis The study of existence. As a noun, it is used as an uncountable noun. According to Greek philosophy, it is a nous which means, a form of intellect either divine or reasoning.In the same form, timology as a nous in Great Britain is colloquially used to mean common sense or gumtion
The Concept of Timology
For quite sometimes timology as a term has baffled many some of who imagined that it’s not meaningfully existing hence making a joke with the word. The concept of Timology can be meaningfully understood in the face of several definitions. Principally there are two broad areas to broaden our understanding of the term.First, we look at the term as a concept then secondly look at the term as a word.
(i)Timology as a Concept
Looking at timology as a concept, there are two definitions that currently emerges
(a)Timology as an Academic Concept (b)Timology as a Social Concept
Timology as an Academic Concept
Timology is a branch of knowledge which has been enormous enough to stand on its own(knowledge explosion).It is a definable term with a scope and categories.So as an academic concept,it is a term that has been discovered,explored,evolved and developed into a branch of knowledge.It is distinguishable from the social concept in that it is written with capital ‘T’due to justifiable reasons
Timology as a Social Concept
There are a number of individuals who have socially tried to make a joke around the term ‘timology’I wish to indicate that there is a clear distinction of the term when looked at as a social concept. It is written with small ‘t’ since there can be no justifiable reason why it should use the term for the purpose it is indicated
(ii)Timology as a word(or a term)
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