Wednesday, 7 March 2012

The Mind As an Object of Love

"Mind is like a Table to be dressed for a purpose as at a given period of time"
A lot of water has gone under the bridge of romance with all and sundry claiming to appreciate and cherish love,give love and take love without a sound reflection of what love is.In the flood of hatred and the tidings of passion,the meaning of love can be fitted by fixing the logical equation of what love is between two parties by adopting a Reflective Approach to what love is.This sets in place the following myriad of questions on The Concept of Love:When we talk about love,what do we exactly mean?How do we express love?How do we show this love?How do we feel this love?
To begin the contextualization of the Mind As an Object of Love, I begin by looking at the Concept of Love. The Concept of Love begins with the feelings and desires followed by wishes and aspirations to be cherished functionally and meaningfully. And bound by passions of pleasure and satisfaction.
Love is a feeling emanating from a strong desire to posses and be possessed so as to derive and benefit from the satisfaction associated by the associated intimate attraction and association.Being a,feeling which curves its own niche of possession as it creates a sense of belonging, it is therefore imperative that as an activity it is set and plotted on the space of romance and executed by the mind.
From the principle of The Romantic Submission Moment involving crossing of the Social Front the will-crossing is an activity of the mind and is more human than physical. Love is an exercise of the mind Love is in the mind. The abstraction of the concept of love begins right in the mind. Mind is the stigma where the grains of love are lodged and allowed to grow terminally into the receptacle of love which is the heart. You first conceive love in the mind You get the feelings and desires of romance in the mind.
To avoid thinking manually as if we are still in the analog era of doing things through speculation due to complacency as a human error, we need to go digital and make a clear distinction between the Mind and the Brain The brain is the object of conception of the feelings and or desires, wishes and or aspirations while the mind is the subject who initiates and exercises the activity of love. Here then, the brain is more physical and passive to the act of loving and a bystander to the issues of love as its role is more biological than humane while it is the mind which takes an active role.
The soul has to do with the spirituality aspect of the phenomenon of love while mind is the subject and exerciser of Romancing the Heart is a function of both the mind and the soul as the two addends sum up the Concept of Love. Taken as a subject of romance it is the mind who rocks and ignites the heart to the excitement of love and its direct beneficiary and production is the Soul who is usually elevated to the heights of ecstasy and hallucination.Romancing the heart usually becomes effective when the Lover trines the beloved.In their hearts the beat goes on and on throughout the romantic session,and they reap rewards for their skills and art of loving,precision in giving and taking the doses and anecdotes of love, and getting unrivalled passionate attention to detail. Great Relationships are conceived in the heart Hearts do open up for romance.When people smile they are showing the outward feelings within the heart.
In the article The Quest Of Love it has been indicated that there exist a clear difference between Love and Romance and the arguments and reactions posted through network comments indicate that the brain is more of an intellect object, very biological in its function to the issues of love. The feelings of love are more innate and can only be outwardly expressed when the brain exercise its physical control of the phenomenon of love.
The mind is usually an entity used to receive and express feelings in ways only known and unique to itself and can only be best understood in terms of the beholder and the benefactor of what love can do and be done to hence mind fitting very well as an object of romance and passion-for it is here where it begins and ends. Take a case of a love quote
"Two lives with two hearts joined together in friendship and united forever in love."
It is The Mind as an Object of Love that cements and unites the bond and this can only be subscribed to by the individuals involved in it.A peaceful mind is an oasis of hope in a desert of hatred characterised by the noisy confusions in life and a harbinger of happiness.Usually love is conceived submission done nurturing is done and consummation done in an object whose feeling purpose is to perpetuate love and champion its course.According to St.Aurelius Augustine in his love quote "Since love grows within you,so beauty grows.For love is the beauty of the soul." and the mind stands out to be the oasis of hope in the desert of naivety.
The mind is and will always be a fertile island where all-day void and vessels settle to meddle allowing it to brood and hood over the daily feelings excited through will-crossing and romantic fronts described earlier on.Of course,love do stimulate the mind to imagination,ignites it to reflection and a preparation to getting in touch with feelings in a way unique to itself.Here,acceptance usually accentuates a magical opportunity for love connection for those who are loved and wants to be as they look for romance in the mid-day of their lives.
Stay lovely my networks and keep your minds!

The Mind As an Object of Love

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