"The Interaction of message of Love for World Peace"
Throughout my interaction and contribution in Timology as a Social Interaction Site I have always desired,wished and wanted to be,or project an Image of Understanding in the social environment awash by confusions in life;an Object of Love where social Conflict has been made the recipe of existence a ray of Hope to all the souls and hearts that have drowned in the sea of societal ills and an Epitome of Happiness to those souls I have ever touched.Yes,I have always desired and dreamed to be a harbinger of joy to those that have found happiness in their relationship and a Beacon of Satisfaction to those that have fulfilled their lovesWhile I might not have been able to get what I desire and hold on so much and cherish in life(Love) and my heart could be bleeding internally and individually the irony is that I derive a lot of joy and pleasure when I realize that people draw a lot from my wealth of contribution-This is all the reason why my heart could be bleeding when peace ls lurking and limping on the road of life and corridors of love
I wish to make a reflection on one of my greatest Scholars on social issues of romance who once quoted:
"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness"-Oliver Wendell Holmes and I wish to echo this by saying that a social interaction tool which begets happiness and unity with the overall effect of creating and cementing peace
Love is one of the social interaction tools that has the capacity to sensitise,excite,arouse,sooth,romance and touch the heart and impact on the feelings and interaction in the environment either at the individual level,group level or communal level.With the understanding that a human being is a social animal whose comfort and harmony in the environment depends on his understanding of his social environment,ability to change in order to accommodate the other entities in the environment and his ability to co-operate with others.
This is a product of Social interaction as has been observed by a number of Scholars.According to Max Weber,it is indicated that social behaviour has two components.The first is the Action or The Behaviour itself emanating from the individual.The second component is the meaning that the actor attaches to his or her behaviour.That meaning which Weber reffered to as orientation,is how a person perceives his behaviour in relationship to other people.It is that knowledge of another who is affected that makes an action or interaction.
Love used as a tool of social interaction is behaving as a human entity requires harmony and peace at heart as the behaviours for it to attach meaning and social orientation towards a partner and control its activities through Understanding,Change and Co-operation.
From the article When Do We Talk About True Love,if you love truely,then strive to understand that individuals involved in love have personal differences,unique personalities,weaknesses and strengths,different wishes and aspirations.They have unwavering feelings and desires,they burn with passions and desires and different craves with wishes and aspirations.People come from different set cultural backgrounds with their own fears and prejudices which should not stand out as a barrier to submitting for love but rather as a common front or a springboard which swings and propels the partners into the future-as observed by John
"Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other,but in looking outward together in the same direction"The Principle of Understanding as a rule is usually manifested at the individual level who in turn should appreciate that life is usually sweeter when one is willing to freely give than expecting to receive.Given and received with the right attitude,it leads to a situation where Love breeds true friendship which in turn evolves and revolves around giving anything one can give mainly to enhance the bond of love and true all that is tangible or intangible,These include:ones time;ones love;ones care;ones personal commitment,surrendering ones comfort and much more.Reflect this on the quote
"In love there are two things:bodies and words."-Joyce Carol OatesAll in appreciation that a partner is a special friend in a special environment and that needs special treatment in a world of peace and tranquillity.
The human behaviour emanates from the group dynamics explained by a number of theories explaining interaction The other theory explaining the social interaction is based on the group dynamics which according to Kurt Lewin, who developed the concept of group dynamics.Agitated by his concern with the interaction not just between individuals but between individuals and the groups that they belong According to this theory it is indicated that
Human behaviour results from the interaction between a person and his or her social environment. Since our behaviour is pinned on action and the meaning attached on that action so our behaviour of love is based on a common understanding of our status quo, our unique individuality. And our orientation towards one another as individuals and towards group dynamics,and the meaning attached to the environment.
We must be willing or wanting to shed off and desire to change and let go ....sacrifice to let go some of the things very dear to us in order to accommodate the wishes and aspirations of our love partners If you
Co-operation here in is the result of submission effect Peace quiet, calm freedom from or cessation of war, civil order, peace maker is a person who brings about peace or social order Love as a tool of social interaction leads to networking.The idea of networks in social interaction was developed in the 20th century from the desire to study whole groups of people rather than just individual interactions. Scholars who study networks try to map out connections between members of a group (quite applicable in studying the behaviour of lovers).Connections can consist of conversation, written communication and any other type of information exchange between people. Networks are generally fluid, meaning they change and evolve over time. Above all, remember that age, colour, language or religion does not matter but love matters alot in.
Lovers need a home to make love and celebrate their friendship orientations.They cherish this together and constantly look forward to this.This is because sweet home is a retreat where one can mellow out with dear hearts and gentle people,pleasantly removed from the dilemmas of the Universe.Love provides a road map to happiness.Happiness is learning to want and appreciate what you you have and wishing that your dream come true.
Every dream has a road and a roadmap and every road has a beginning starting on a step of time and a moment of submission.Lovers commit to the path of intimacy and follow a roadmap to their hearts explored through knowledge and discernment.They understand and appreciate that knowing alone is not enough but is complimented by application.They apply their feelings,They cherish their desires and subscribe to their aspirations and must apply willingly.Willing is the taking risk for the sake of happiness which is the bedrock of peace.This follows the understanding that The greatest risk in life is when you never take risk
According to William Shakespeare
Lovers need a home to make love and celebrate their friendship orientations.They cherish this together and constantly look forward to this.This is because sweet home is a retreat where one can mellow out with dear hearts and gentle people,pleasantly removed from the dilemmas of the Universe.Love provides a road map to happiness.Happiness is learning to want and appreciate what you you have and wishing that your dream come true.
Every dream has a road and a roadmap and every road has a beginning starting on a step of time and a moment of submission.Lovers commit to the path of intimacy and follow a roadmap to their hearts explored through knowledge and discernment.They understand and appreciate that knowing alone is not enough but is complimented by application.They apply their feelings,They cherish their desires and subscribe to their aspirations and must apply willingly.Willing is the taking risk for the sake of happiness which is the bedrock of peace.This follows the understanding that The greatest risk in life is when you never take risk
According to William Shakespeare
"Now join your hands,and with your hands join your hearts"Lovers do join their hands,jpin their minds,join their bodies and reconcile their initial seperate environment brought together for the sake of peaceful co-existence.While it is true
"Love does not make the world go round,love is what makes the ride worthwhile" As asserted by Elizabeth BrowningAs we crave for the sojourn of Love in our hearts,it is imperative to understand that
"Love is a promise.Love is a souvenir,once given never forgotten,never let it disappear"This is done while reflecting on Brian Andres thus:
"We sat side by side in the morning light and looked out at the future together" - Brian Andres