There comes a time when our world seems to turn upside down,our brains seems to refuse to think any more,our friends are no longer there for us at the time of need or close to us any more.That moment when everything seems to loose its meaning is the moment to reckon and see who truely is with you.That moment when your achievement appears to be watered down and are not holding any meaning any more.It is the time when the fear of the inevitable overwhelms and subdues the traces of love and friendship.It is the moment that that seeming so ordinary and near useless friend who drops on your way becomes your greatest asset.
He becomes a beacon of hope and a light of true friendship......This is the situation where love becomes an object of hope
When I refer to a week's thought-Remember to Forget!
"Achievements often come when we
Forget our fears and try;
For that's when we accomplish whatWe're most remembered by."~ Charles Ghigna.