Saturday, 8 January 2011

TIMOLOGY: The design and construction of the perpetual calendar

The design and construction of the perpetual calendar
Horology is a branch of science concerned with the design and construction of the clocks It is this knowlaedge that we are using for the research into possible construction of the clock that will measure revolution,spirulation and generation

The Romantic Submission Moment

"The Pillars of Friendship"

Through social interaction,it has been indicated that where true love is possible The Romantic Submission Moment marks the peak of seduction and Romantic Maturity of Love (The blossoming of Romance and the end of a great self questioning dilemma.This is a social effect in which unfamiliarity barrier is broken into social acceptance where a will-crossing is manifest of the will,eagerness and acceptance of destiny as a way is paved for familiarity.context and contest between the partners. 
Will-crossing therefore,is a social phenomenon in which two people which prior to the social feeling phenomenon were in otherwise two unique and separate worlds,wide apart and very strange to one another,perhaps by geographic or cultural barriers,are finally drawn together through desires,feelings or affiliations and tit bits of intimacy;and they continue interacting from time to time leading to the partners being drawn together as they move closer and closer until the eventual magnetism sets in place-submitting.This is what is called Will-crossing Take it to mean being committed to getting what you crave for by following the desiresof your heart (feelings and initiatives)
After your heart has desired to get at love,very often you show your will-power-a kind of commitment to claim the desires and this creates a strong tendency to follow the desires of your heart.In essence,Will-crossing is therefore a pathway of love guaranteed by purpose and not by chance-intentionally to satisfy ego.It is a precursor to Romantic Submission.
A Social Front is a platform that permits,allows for contact,sharing communication of feelings both romantic and social in nature as a follow up to acceptance and a prelude to submission.The social front often reaches a climax when partners are involved in attaining a Romantic Thresholds the setting of this platform is usually the first stage of Romantic Submission.
The second stage after will-crossing is the romantic threshold which is marked by the acceptance of sexual advances and co-operation as an opening to Romantic submission moment.This is usually associated with feelings and urges,infatuations,risk-taking and giving willingly as a product of true friendship and true love as desired.One partner uses thsi to win love while the other uses it to show love and affection.This stage is very brief and short lived but magnetises the partners into their relationship..
The third stage of Romantic Submission moment usually marks the climax of submission and culminates to the fantasies and bliss associated with consummation of love.This is the greatest moment and is where both partners resigns to the strange world of fate and eventuality associated with the romantic platform where all these play a role.The social (Romantic) platform is the part of the social environment in which the partners are entities
In summary, The Romantic Submission Moment is a three stage breaking experience that leads to association and a sense of belonging in which a commitment is made to make a claim of the desires of the heart. It is a positive submission often leading to satisfaction and a sense of well-beingThis article  explains how falling in love is finally cemented Read more by visiting the link https://The Romantic Submission Moment
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The Romantic Submission Moment

There is this point in time when we we submit and yields to the advances of the opposite sex after a long soul searching,deep meditation and speculation on the expected or projected consequences,following a lpong and protracted communication contacts and dating.This is a moment that negates the escape episode when one does not succumb to the demands of the social thresh hold of intimacy

The Romantic Submission Moment marks the peak of seduction and romantic maturity of love(The blossoming of Romance and the end of self questioning.This is a social effect in which unfamiliarity barrier is broken where a will-crossing is manifest of the will,eagerness and acceptance of destiny as a way is paved for familiarity.

Will-crossing is a phenomenon in which two people which prior to the phenomenon were in two separate worlds,wide apart,are drawn together through feelings and tit bits of intimacy,and continues from time to time leading to the partners being drawn together as they move closer and closer until the eventual magnetism sets in place.This is what is called Will-crossing

Will-crossing is therefore is therefore

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

The Social Environment Submission Effect.

Looking at social change is a very interesting thing.As an advocate of social change,I have visited this knowledge area  with virginity and innocence since little or nothing has ever been written on this.I f one has then you are welcome to the world of networking and Herein I have used Timology as a tool for Social Change to reflect on the social platform and use the social change method of See-Judge-Act to explain the breaking in public otherwise referred to as the The Social Environment Submission Effect.Read more on this by clicking on the link. Please seize the opportunity to rate the article and comment to help us improve on the article and further publication of the related documents and manuscripts.

Monday, 3 January 2011

Role of time on Fashion Design and Technology

Time is a fourth dimensional element that has cross-cutting influence on all spheres of existence.It dictates on a number of activities and phenomena presented by fate in a myriad and absurd manner that many are left buffled by its effect.It is in this line that I have attempted to explain and network with Pinballmodels Msa on the Role of time on Fashion Design and Technology For more information on this,please read this great article on the influence of time and colour on fashion design and technology.

Agnostic Development Theory

Its Contemplates that as the Universe continues to be in existence,so time will always continue to be.Time for the sake of Timology will be used to mean the duration of movement that the Earth has exhibited in its continued motion to everlasting eternity.As the the Universe continues to be,time will continue to be and will have a diverse influence on every aspect and activity that man is involved in.This has been and will still have concerted influence on the changes that are realized in the environment.This leads to an overall effect or aggregate changes and development in all spheres of existence leading to complexities that are inevitable.
This calls for understanding of the principles of continuity that Agnostic Development Theory expounds.For more information on this,click on the link below:
Agnostic Development Theory

The Social Environment Submission Effect.

The social platform is usually averse with fascinations, feelings, urges and fanaticisms that are either positively or negatively manifested.This is the social thresh hold effect referred to as The Breaking Moment.Many a times people have been involved in debates as to who are the weaker sex in which a lot of such arguments and debates are narrowly based on the gender roles.Whichever line of argument you have taken,the great question is,
Why do people(personalities and celebrities,ordinary and men of class,the rich and the poor) weep,cry, break,scream or ululate in public? Is it normal for this to take place in front of your funs and followers?Would this happen to you?Under what circumstances would this happen to you?
This and many other questions are addressed in a very unique and simple way to facilitate the answers as it offers explanations to the Breaking Moment through the article  The Social Environment Submission Effect.Read and explore this great work of the century.

Timology-As a social Change Process

The Factor of Timology on Romance

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Articles by the founder

  • The Application of Timology On Fashion Design and Technology,The Time-Environment Interaction Theory(Agnostic Development Theory),Romantic Submission Moment,The Launching of Timology as a Social Change Process,Sega Silicon Valley and the Expansion of Knowledge for Humanity

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Welcome To The World of Timology! We vaccinate against Complacency. Can we network? Can we collaborate? Can we participate in capacity building to create awareness for Timology? Can we Champion the Course of Knowledge for Humanity?Can we Expanding Knowledge for Humanity? Together let us be Ambassadors of Knowledge for Humanity.Let us use Timology as a tool for Social Change to give humanity its most deserved prize-Knowledge of his Environment! Start with yourself and make a bold step into the World of Timology.

Have you ever heard of Timology or Time Analysis or Continuity Calendar?