What makes a relationship? Usually for a Great Relationship to ensue in any moment of time a number of clues essential for it must take precedent.From some of the earlier post in this blog that I have discussed the issues of romance, one of them of particular interest which provides a sustained explanation is the one on a Great Relationship ( http://timologyvok.blogspot.com/2011/05/great-relationship.html
The Definition of Love
If there has been any discussion or definition of what love is then you meed to put your comments in this blog about the same The understanding of what is begins with the reflection of and on the element of love as a doing or being. In its very basic form of understanding is a feeling.
Love is a feeling of warmth, kindness, fondness and affections towards tender devotions of the opposite sex or the other partner as would be seen in three very unique and distinctive perspectives: The Filial Perspective (Family),The Social Perspective (Social Love),and The Romantic Perspective (Intimate Love)
The three perspective are quite interactive and sometimes changes form from one perspective to another.The salient question therefore is, when does Intimate Love change to a Filial Love? This happens when couples that have romantically submitted and consumed their love benefits from the product of their union(conception)and are blessed with the fruits of love (Child or Children) This is point where Filial Love takes over and romantic love ceases or ducks to the background where it lies dormant to be rekindled when it is true love.http://timologyvok.blogspot.com/2012/04/when-it-is-true-love.html For a better understanding of this click on the link The Unconditional Love
Accessed through speculative sources we advance the argument that:
Love is a feeling or a delight or a desire that a person has. Love is more intimate and touches the heart and involves enjoyment by both parties involved. Love is that activity given for the pleasure of giving and not receiving back and not for its stake. Love is laboured for and labourer enjoys doing what she or he is doing for the sake of the loved one and remains hard-put even to the outside pressures, challenges or influence hence the saying, love is blind or love knows no cultural barrier. Love means doing things for the sake of your sweetheart all in the name of love. So love is an affiliated feeling that surpasses intuition and reasoning and is a mental process.
Love is an element with very unique and peculiar characteristics that relate to the hearton side and the mind on the other. Looked at as an element,studies show that as it romanticize, it exist as a separate entity as a human element that needs to be cherished,nourished and nurtured to fruition.
Love is not just something or an exaggeration but a feeling and a desire that is expressible and romanticizable and is normally experienced cherished and celebrated and therefore is an intimate activity to be acted out in the stage of time and in the audience of environment.The Mind therefore is its object of exercise. (http://timologyvok.blogspot.com/2012/03/mind-as-object-of-love.html)Love is an entity which exists both in the mind and heart of the beholder on its own and belongs and has a sense of belonging and hates and does not tolerate sharing with a competitor and wants to be treated as a unit.Love is cyclical in nature and cycles round and round oscillate to and fro the initiator and have feelings desires and passions that are repetitive at regular intervals sometimes flat on the floor and at times high up on the ceiling depending on the excitement and elevation.Love is out-rightly sensitive and never pretends nor contends. There is an always an intimate tendency. One cannot experience false love(not possible)Love is not an intuition a feeling to be embraced It has desires or strong feelings or strong sexual attractions expressed in earnest wish(longing for or a wish)Love is usually personified and expressed while exercising its sense of beingLove has a defined boundary where it operates from and is confined within a space of romance.An element of theLove is directional has a tendency and is usually directed towards a soul or heart without which there is no experienceLove is defensive and will always fight out to protect its territory at any pain of claiming what it considers its belonging.Love is dimensional It has three unique perspectives(Filial,Social,Romantic) that are uniquely expressed depending on the perspective of the beholder.Love is selfless. Intimate love can never be self seeking but expressible towards the prospectiveLove is infectious and behaves like measles when it catches up with you old age (http://timologyvok.blogspot.com/201-/--/love-is-like-measle.html )Love if not nurtured it dies (http://timologyvok.blogspot.com/2012/04.characteristic-of-love.html
Importance of the element of love
Historically,culturally and socially,the element of love has always taken the social dimension of healing loneliness hearts in a manner quite special and unique.Biblically,the element of love is an age old instrument that has been used from time to time to sort out conflicing issues in societies or curb the threats of human peace and happiness.
The definition of Romance.
Romance is the personification of love-cupid’s role in the expression of love.When the activities of love come into play for the sake true love such as:
- The giving and sending affectionate messages and greetings.
- Playing love ( done for the pleasure of love and not for stake)
- Shows that one is in love with something by doing the things that lovers do such as Kissing,Caressing,Fondling,Hugging,Smooching
- Making-love ( instances of being in love often with a physical relationship
- Writing ;love-letters(exchange of letters between persons in love and concerned with their love
Then romance sets in. This overall effect and build up of love is what constitutes romance (See romantic poets like Shelley, Keats as they depend persons i.e. persons who were extravagantly visionary feelings expressions etc.
According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary, romance is taken to mean a real experience, especially a love affair, considered to be remarkable or worth describing. Romance is the exercise of ideas, feelings etc,that are remote from experience and real life given to a loved one.
Taken deeply, is the personification of love. it is the cupid’s activity of love. It may refer to real experience of love, especially,a love activity considered to be remarkable or worthy of description. Romance is the product or outcome of a love affair. What is experienced as a result of loving experiences
In art and literature and music, Romance may refer to a story or novel of adventure, or a love story, especially one in which the events are quite untrue or unlike real life, or a class of literature consisting of such stories. It is marked by feelings elicited to the audience rather than by intellect, preferring grandeur, passion, informal beauty, to order proportion(opposite of classic and classical piece) From the work of romantic poets like Shelley or Keats, may I infer that a person with romantic ideas, is a visionary person who knows what he is looking for in a lover and plays the cupid to win a loved one.
From these, may I infer that Romance is a form of real ideas, feelings,passions and desires that are remote from ordinary experience or real life given to love. Romance may therefore some kind of visionary intentions expressed and activities done while love is feelings and passions felt To this extent it is right and I justify the feeling that Romance is like a vehicle which a lover uses to reach the heart of the loved one.
The Quest of Love
It is important to start this discussion by making a highlight of certain terms to make a highlight.The term ‘‘quest’’ has a dictionary meaning of ‘search or ‘‘pursuit’’ of something.
In quest of means seeking for or trying to find. For the sake of this discussion being in quest of love means trying to find or seeking fervent feelings, desires and passions by showing hot or glowing warmth of feeling, or passionate endeavours. Also means trying to find fervent love. It is more of a feeling or a tendency or an affinity to get love.
Quest for means look for or go about in quest of. It is the actual activity of searching for something. The quest of love is analogous to romancing the heart (expression and experiences of feelings, passions or desires
In quest of love means seeking for love or trying to find love. Love is in the mind of the seeker where it is embedded.Quest of love is similar to the tendency or ability to love or being loved.It is a mental process which is exercised in the mind.
In quest for love it is taken to mean to look for or go about in quest of .This has the meaning of looking at love as a physical activity or the exercise of what the mind contains. It is the expression of love by lover or loving partners which culminates into experiencing the characteristics of love.
The quest of love is similar to reasons that people or couples have or hold for loving and seeking love.
Pertinent issues addressed in quest of love·Sense of belonging
· For appreciation
·Satisfaction of feelings, desires and passion
· For experimentation
·For Identification
·For lustful experiences
·For inconsciountous reasons
·For romantic reasons
Pertinent issues that features in quest for love
You guys out there ,you have always felt love,expressed love in various ways specific and peculiar to specific situation.Contribute to challenge or castigate my idea of love and romance.Welcome!