Monday, 5 August 2013


The enactment of the new institution and the drafting of the marriage bill is a slow and sure way of eroding the social fabric the Africans attached to the institution of marriage.While it is becoming a sure thing that men are becoming the endangered species and the weaker gender targeted by the constitution to save women from male chauvinism which those who drafted the MARRIAGE BILL had in mind,I must state here without any reservation that it is negating the tenet of natural love and is a recipe  of social suspicion whenever members of the opposite sex will interact with each other.The freedom to love and give love naturally is being substituted through the BILL by alien ideas which will only facilitate the indulgence of social myths of accompaniment,call it homosexuality,lesbianism or gay marriage as this will be perceived to be more safe and non-treacherous as the natural love relationship which should exist between the opposite sex.
I look at a natural relationship that used to exist where people could love and court for as long as it pleases them being ripped off by the MARRIAGE BILL which asserts its authoritative clauses and I cry and sympathise my sisters the female gender.I imagine a situation where men will be extra cautious to commit leave alone indulging in a relationship for fear of being tricked into their little possession ...and escalating rape cases being on the rise this tome perpetuated by women who can not get men to quench their love and thirst in a natural way.
It is quite interesting how just two communities who can not hold on and cherish their marriage institutions are now bulldozing the other forty tribes into the inconceivable in the name of salvaging their social and marital lose of the institution of marriage.Let those who draft this bill be probed and present their facts and case studies before experimenting.Otherwise I am foreseeing a Kenya twenty-twenties being a decadence of social fabric
Subject to so many theories of use and disuse,I know my article may be a subject of criticism but I only wish you could take your time to contemplate and meditate upon this before you thrush my idea aside.

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