Sunday, 17 June 2012

Claiming Your Love

"When You See The Clouds Gathering In The Sky,Prepare To Catch the Waters"

How does one begin to? It begins with the sense of belonging and characterized by true feelings ,passions and the desires There are always these passionate feelings emanating from the desires of love.The feeling of true friendship where both tell each other secrets without hiding anything from each other.The feeling of appreciation and thankfulness for the little things in love that really count and build love.The feeling of confidence where you both truly tell and confide in each other their internal make-believes The feeling of care and belongings.The feelings of romancing the whole heart and body in love.
This is the moment that you need to claim your feelings and take your love by signing your name across the heart of your beloved as is the same with the partner.As you endeavours to claim your love always remember
"Do not give away your Heart too easily.Give only the maps to find it then wait to see who follows it.This way you can claim your love"
You are in no doubt that you have fallen in love either by design or by sheer coincidence.Knowing in the The Romantic Submission Moment point of view  is only a facility to claiming what feel should be yours to cherish,to loathe and to cherish.To be loved by and to love the heart that has signals of hope and potentials of wiping The Stains of Rejection and removing the Shadows of Doubt that have always lingered and  haunted you for sometimes could be proving to have contained a lot that you desires and prescribe to in the name of love as you follow what your heart desires.
I would wish to echo that
"Water that has been begged for does not quench the thirst"

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