"A Pink Rose For Love"
Once upon a time you had had the feelings and desires to love and to be loved and you felt that strong urge and the heartbeat of love throbbing and pounding so hard very near yet so far away upon your heart and inside your ribcage.If you were not aware of it then that was the desire of love at its best
The Desires of Love
"Love is much of an object as an obsession,everybody wants it,everybody seeks it,but few achieve it,those who do will cherish it,be lost in it,and among all,never...forget it.Could this be the love you will or is likely to receive or give out to the one who will touch your heart?"
Love is a desire of the heart and a phenomenon very unique and special that everybody yearns for it.Love is a look that link the noble minds.Desire of Love is the inspirational key that opens the spring of love.According to one of my facebook network a Betty Okumu posted on her wall that
"Hearts are very many all over the world....chosing one is very difficult...but the worst nightmare is your heart accepting your chosen heart so that they function as one and NOT causing a heart failure"
desire of Love is a prologue to happiness as a one Jane Mwaluma posted in her
facebook wall thus:
"Happiness is not something ready-made! It comes from your own actions" and cushioned and propelled by the feelings and desires of loveAnd this is to say that the desire to love and the function of deriving happiness from such love is both a feeling and a desire that follows a crave to belong and have a sense of belonging and a unique phenomenon that does not give time for waiting nor patience for decision-making as is often taken by many souls and suitors.
More often than not we do welcome for those who do anticipate and even contemplate the possibility of a relationship and look for cues and clues to its manifestation as we evaluate our desires and feelings and aspiration we believe are or should be associated by such a relationship we get magnetized spiritually in the soul through our feelings of identification and a belonging but not a decision to be made.
It is the kind of thing that begins with the desires and feelings of appreciation and thankfulness and a desire to claim the joy of caring and being cared for being appreciated,being recognized,being befriended and being identified and even before you know it, you get elated and swept off the ground heads over heels with your world turned round and round and upside down by the thrill of love.
Love is not about physical being or physical nature but more of a spirituality and has to do with the soul and therefore internal rather than an external and physical that requires immense knowledge and infatuation from each partner.The seedling of love is usually planted in the prospective lover's heart and not through physical touch and this means it is possible to be in love by a prick of ones immense morals,the wealth of characters,the great potential and the astitute aspirations in life.
This is usually so because the moment that one is only and stupidly and only in love with the physical nature then automatically as is always the case one will be in for a rude shock of the expectations the moment the inner being comes out to manifest to the surface.Often there are those titbits, the whispers, the messages, the flowers and the cards and even words of wisdom and sometimes words of love.The desires of love usually leads you in a step by step fashion to this special somebody-The one who when you are seemingly lonely and when the world appears to have stopped going round as it seems to be closed with no one to turn to console you his object of being comes handy,then his image alone will be an epitome of romance in your heart.This brings me to the question,
" Is it possible to love somebody you haven't seen or met?"To this question the answer is Yes and absolutely since one who loves,loves who you are and not what you think I have or you have not seen.You love ones character and spirituality do not have any apologies to make.This is your unique special friend and confidant and yet a best friend to share with your tribulations as you receive back the appreciation,satisfactorily celebrate your successes and cherish your failures by listening to the soothing words which stands out uniquely as the symbol of comfort and signifies a symbol of association
This is the desire that when you are in a social quagmire a romantic whirlwind with a myriad of questions lingering in your brain and answers seems not to be forthcoming then the pieces of advice coming from this special person usually signifies the wisdom and purpose of existence and seems to provide an alternative pathway to a race of life sometimes you are so much intimately attracted to and romantically attached to the closeness of your togetherness that you desire the presence and union of both of you that is in itself is a sanctuary of love and you get the satisfaction that love is in the offing.
You desire to harvest from the maturity whose wealth of experience is a double combination of the wealth of years and first-hand information to the destiny of existence
Comment by Atieno Omondi:U reason like Mr.Love.I hope U are lovely and u r 100% lovable...