The phrase Expanding Knowledge for Humanity is the VISION STATEMENT for Timologyvok which is a social network group. This has been and is still being done through Research and dissemination of such knowledge on Time Analysis, Social Change Process, Time Measurement and Recording as well as Time Prediction and Forecasting, Continuity Analysis and Cartography.
It is done through research and knowledge outsourcing on the role of time in various aspects of life; Publication and Authorship of social change articles including Romantic articles,Timology as a discipline; Legitimization of Timology; Origination of Timology all of which should prove useful and necessary in the phase of existence.
This Knowledge Expansion is done through awareness creation on how the ideas of Timology have been conceived, evolved, explored, developed and produced with decisions reached on the evolution and development, arrangement and publication of Continuity Principles.
A number of tools have been and are employed including media; open fora;blogs and postings on journals meant to elicit reactions; newsletters & bulletins; the brochures and the use of checklists, interviews & questionnaires.
The media is playing a very significant role in creating awareness among the masses on the need for Timology as this exposes all the necessary information on the need for Timology and through a combination of Television, Radios and Newspapers are earmarked for use, it is only the Internet which has played a significant role in sensitization of the relevant groups and creation of awareness on the need for Timology
The greatest expectation was that through the media, relevant groups could be re-educated or in-services on the ways in which they could react to Timology. Through open fora with civic groups and civil society’s number of stakeholders, administrators, communities came together through various forums where brainstorming is done on the issues of Timology and Time
Analysis as well as participating in decisions that could help them use Timology.There is also an intention to use reactions elicited through blogs, postings and articles on journals on topical issues on Timology,Time Analysis and Social Change to provoke the relevant groups to brainstorm and get solutions to everyday issues on timology or knowledge affecting humanity. Additional relevant information is spread through sending newsletters to relevant stakeholders placed in public places. There is use of brochures to show various programmes and projects and other issues related to Timology, here, topical issues are reflected upon and exposed as areas of investigation into Timological issues
Finally, there is checklists, interviews and questionnaires took care of social classes which include the elites,educators,teachers and other stakeholders concerned with Timological development, research and dissemination.Here,the kind of information was directly related to areas of disciplines and subjects.
Knowledge Explosion permeates just like innovation diffuses out among different groups in social circles.A survey carried out on the expansion by alerts and updates indicate the dimension that this is likely to take. The trend of expansion of knowledge can be seen through pageviews showing the diffusion of Timology across the globe Knowledge for Humanity
For those of you that have been patient enough with Timology to follow and even read the posts,great thanks and indeed you are real ambassadors of knowledge for humanity