Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Draft for Pinballmodels Msa

ADraft for Pinballmodels

Colours and Timology

The knowledge of colours is of immense concern in designing and modeling not only to those that have taken modeling as a profession but also including those that are Trendy or Fashion Conscious(Believing group in mix-and-match).

The extent to which these colours will harmonize and be appealing on ones touch will also be dictated by ones birthstone colour, not by taste or choice but by fate and what timology handed to an individual. This is the point of departure where time analysis and continuity has made an in-road to the world of Fashion design and Technology.

Understanding of colours,their classification, blending and harmonization, their role and meaning as well as their application has been taken lightly perhaps because there has not been authentication or projected understanding on the role colour plays in the environmental interaction and harmony of existence.

Colours are entities to be valued and cherished just like we do with life and time as component of existence as they give it the much needed meaning, value and appreciation. Finding out about the psychology of colour is crucial for all designers if they want to form a successful website. This is because different colours affect people in a variety of ways, & can influence emotions & moods. because of this your choice of colour could make your users angry if you get it wrong.

As one makes a choice of the clothe or sets out to design a piece of garment, he has to be directed by a taste of colour in order to appreciate its beauty, claim satisfaction and celebrate the inner success brought about by its beauty. That is to say, you need to be conscious about your colour not because you appreciate its appeal but as dictated by your birthstone colour base.Excerpt from The Application of Colour To Fashion Design and Technology

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  • The Application of Timology On Fashion Design and Technology,The Time-Environment Interaction Theory(Agnostic Development Theory),Romantic Submission Moment,The Launching of Timology as a Social Change Process,Sega Silicon Valley and the Expansion of Knowledge for Humanity

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